The 9 Best Brands on Social Media: How They’re Doing It Right

Did you know that many consumers turn to social media before making purchase decisions?A UPS report reveals that millennials are major consumers.They consider social media important for shopping.

  In other words,social media isn’t just an optional marketing tool;it’s essential for any business.Brands with good social media strategies stand out from the crowd by connecting with audiences effectively.

  But succeeding on social media isn’t just about having an account and posting randomly.It requires strategy.So,how can you get started?One great way is by looking at the top brands already thriving on social media!


  GoPro is the brand behind the world’s most versatile camera.It has 16.2 million followers on Instagram,2.23 million on Twitter,and 10.7 million on Facebook.The brand is also known for the popular hashtag#GoPro.GoPro is one of the brands that use social media well by providing value,promoting products,and actively engaging with its community.

  Each social media platform serves a different purpose for GoPro.They use Facebook to promote the brand,reach new customers,and stay connected with current ones.On Instagram,they highlight the quality of their cameras and share user-generated content.Twitter is mainly for product announcements and customer communication,while YouTube hosts videos with tips and tutorials on using their products.

  What sets GoPro apart from other companies with great social media presence is how they tailor content for each platform.Rather than sharing identical posts everywhere,they maximize engagement by using each platform’s strengths.For instance,they run the GoPro Awards,encouraging users to submit their GoPro-captured content for a chance to be featured.


  Nike is a powerhouse when it comes to social media,with 93.3 million Instagram followers,7.95 million Twitter followers,and 33.3 million Facebook followers.Rather than focusing solely on their products,Nike draws attention to athletes and sports teams,making them the stars of their social media presence.

  Nike is selective with Facebook,saving it for their big campaigns.This is likely due to Facebook’s algorithm favoring personal posts.However,Nike’s Instagram is highly active,filled with inspiring images of athletes and fitness content,using the consistent hashtag#justdoit.On Twitter,they engage with customers and run a separate handle specifically for customer service.Nike is often cited as one of the businesses that use social media marketing creatively,combining storytelling with customer engagement.


  Spotify has an innovative approach to social media,most notably through its“2018 Goals”campaign.This clever initiative used social media,mainstream media,and user experiences to create a buzz,featuring witty ads in public spaces.Artists and users engaging with these ads further extended the campaign’s reach,blending online and offline marketing strategies to create a lasting impact.


  Wayfair,a home décor giant,uses social media to enhance brand awareness and drive sales.On Instagram,they share furniture inspiration,tips,and promotions.A key feature is the“In This Photo”tool,which allows customers to view the products in a photo,complete with prices,and shop directly from the post.Wayfair,being one of the companies that utilize social media to drive sales,not only highlights aesthetics but also makes purchasing convenient for customers.


  Pop-Tarts excels on Twitter by embracing a witty,sarcastic tone that resonates with younger audiences.Their playful and humorous tweets make their brand relatable and fun.For instance,they often poke fun at themselves with tweets like:

  “Public service announcement:

  1.Pop-Tarts are not ravioli

  2.Pop-Tarts are not sandwiches

  3.There will never be a Tide Pod flavored Pop-Tart”

  This fun and informal tone helps them connect with a broad audience and is why Pop-Tarts is listed among the brands that use social media well.

  National Geographic

  With a staggering 122 million Instagram followers,National Geographic is a master at social media,combining stunning photography with educational content.They also embrace user-generated content,featuring photos from a global community of photographers.


  Starbucks knows how to engage followers on social media.Their Facebook is packed with eye-catching images and informative videos about their drinks,while Twitter is dedicated to customer interaction.Their Instagram is filled with aesthetically pleasing photos of their drinks,often featuring followers enjoying them.Starbucks’commitment to responding to followers helps build strong relationships with their audience and is why they are one of the companies with great social media strategies.


  Dove’s social media strategy revolves around promoting self-esteem and breaking beauty stereotypes.Their campaigns encourage women to share authentic images of themselves,helping build brand loyalty and empowerment.Dove is another great example of a company that utilizes social media to build meaningful connections with its audience.


  Wendy’s has earned a huge following thanks to their sassy,witty approach on Twitter.Their humorous“roasts”and jokes keep followers engaged and entertained.Wendy’s social media success even earned them a top spot on Fast Company’s 2019 Most Innovative Companies list in the Social Media Category.

  What These Brands Did Right

  In today’s competitive social media landscape,brands need more than just presence—they need a strategy.Here are key takeaways from these top brands with good social media strategies:

  •Understand Your Platform’s Strengths:GoPro uses Instagram for user-generated content,Twitter for customer service,and Facebook for promotion.Know your goals for each platform and play to their strengths.

  •Engage With Your Audience:Successful brands like Starbucks and Nike prioritize audience engagement,regularly responding to questions and comments.Social media is about connection,so make engagement a priority.

  •Provide Value,Not Just Promotions:Avoid bombarding followers with promotional content.Brands like National Geographic and Wayfair focus on offering valuable content,such as beautiful imagery and helpful tips.

  •Leverage User-Generated Content:Encouraging followers to create content about your brand is a powerful tool,as seen with GoPro and National Geographic.Contests and awards are great ways to motivate user participation.

  •Think Outside the Box:Like Spotify,don’t limit your marketing to just social media.Combining online and offline strategies can maximize reach and engagement.

  •Create Meaningful Campaigns:Dove shows how a campaign with a strong message can build loyalty.Focus on causes that resonate with your brand values.

  •Be Consistent:Consistency in your tone,imagery,and engagement is crucial.Whether through filters,templates,or messaging,consistency helps increase brand recognition.

  •Use Humor When Appropriate:Humor can be a great way to connect with your audience,as demonstrated by Pop-Tarts and Wendy’s.

  The Bottom Line

  To succeed on social media,take inspiration from these nine brands.Whether it’s engaging with followers,providing value,or using humor,these businesses that use social media marketing effectively have cracked the social media code.What can you do to replicate their success?Implement some of these tactics in your own strategy and watch your brand grow!

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